Information about Salina, KS and the small, locally-owned businesses located there.

Big city amenities, small town charm

"Big city amenities, small town charm"

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A little about Salina

The Wichita Business Journal recently reported that "Salina is Kansas' retirement hub", the state's top destination for retirees. In 2009, Salina was selected by Business Week as the "best place in Kansas to raise kids". Neither of these designations are a surprise to those of us familiar with this community. We already know that Salina is a place that honors its duty to provide the highest quality of municipal services to its citizens.

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The history of Salina

Salina's history dates back to 1856 when a colony, organized and led by Senator Preston B. Plum, located a settlement on the Saline River near the present site of the city. It was not until 1858, however, that the townsite was established by William A. Phillips and his party, which included a number of original settlers. In the early years, Salina structurally formed along the banks of the Smoky Hill River. A living was derived by hunting and trading with the Indians and immigrants to the west. Robes and skins secured from the Indians were hauled to Fort Leavenworth and sold.

Contact Information

120 W Ash St
Salina, Kansas

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Businesses in Salina, Kansas

Here is a collection of local Salina, Kansas businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.

Lodging Museums / Attractions Restaurants Services Shopping


C&W Ranch Bed & Breakfast


A true working ranch with bed and breakfast.


All Star Lanes

Museums / Attractions

Every visit is a positive experience.


Rolling Hills Zoo

Museums / Attractions

One destination, two unforgettable experiences!


Smoky Hill Museum

Museums / Attractions

Telling the story of the Smoky Hills in Kansas.


Bayard's Cafe


Down home cookin'!


Coyote Canyon


All you can eat steak buffet.


Hickory Hut Barbeque


Fun and Serious BBQ Satisfaction!


Salina Massage Therapy


Healing for mind, body and spirit.


Soggy Dog Salon


Regular grooming is essential for a healthy, hearty, happy life.


Vernon Jewelers


Serving the public for over 125 years.