Tryon Palace in New Bern, NC

Immerse yourself

"Immerse yourself "

Tryon Palace

About Tryon Palace

At Tryon Palace, North Carolina's history is more than a story ... it's an experience. From the Governor's Palace and surrounding historic homes, to stunning gardens and interactive exhibits at the North Carolina History Center, a visit to Tryon Palace is a living history experience like no other.

Located in New Bern as North Carolina's first colonial and state capitol, Tryon Palace was the place where governors ruled, legislators debated, patriots gathered and George Washington danced. Today, with costumed guides, working craftspeople, engaging character interpreters and hands-on learning in the Pepsi Family Center, American history comes to life on the historic grounds every day through a unique blend of colonial and 21st century technologies.

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Contact Information

610 Pollock Street
New Bern, NC

Hours of Operation: Mon - Sat: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, Sun 12-5

Where is Tryon Palace

New Bern