The Landgrove Inn

About The Landgrove Inn
Once upon a time, the bucolic village of Landgrove boasted more fence posts than people. It still does.
Tucked snuggly away in a hypnotically-beautiful mountain valley, it continues to defy time and the temptation to “improve”.
There is no traffic, no stores, no noise. The air is naturally pine-scented and the sparkling fresh water is free. Horses have the right of way here. And there’s the moonlight – unlike any other, anywhere.
Artists come from far and wide to sketch the barns, paint the fields, capture the majesty of the mountains that surround the big valley. Even a river runs through it.
With canopied country lanes, meandering meadows of green, mesmerizing views and not a paved road in sight, Landgrove today is classic Currier & Ives with a twist – it still exists.
Contact Information
Phone: (802) 824-6673
132 Landgrove Rd
Landgrove, VT
Hours of Operation: Contact for availability
Where is The Landgrove Inn