Cape Henlopen State Park

About Cape Henlopen State Park
Cape Henlopen's beaches attract thousandsof visitors who enjoy ocean swimming and sunbathing. Two designated swimming beaches provide lifeguard patrols between Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day (schedule may What's Happening at this park? Click to see the exciting programs and events being offered here!vary due to staff availability).Umbrellas can be rented during the summer. The northern swimming area also features a modern bath house with showers, changing rooms, and a food concession. This swimming area also features Mobi-Mat equipment, consisting of three 30-foot mats allowing those in wheelchairs and power chairs to access the beach from the boardwalk.
Contact Information
Phone: (302) 645-8983
42 Cape Henlopen Drive
Lewes, DE
Hours of Operation: 8 am to sunset
Where is Cape Henlopen State Park