Cliff Manor Inn in Jefferson City, MO

Step back in time with all the modern conveniences

"Step back in time with all the modern conveniences"

Cliff Manor Inn

About Cliff Manor Inn

Cliff Manor Inn offers guests the opportunity to travel back in time in a home built by a prominent Jefferson City resident, Judge Arnold Krekel, more than 146 years ago. The Inn provides our guests with a casual but elegant atmosphere along with all the modern conveniences one would expect from a quality bed & breakfast. Cliff Manor Inn is located just west of the capital city's downtown business district and state government complex, which includes the state capital . . . within easy walking distance to points of interest, restaurants and shopping. Cliff Manor is literally just around the corner from the Katy Trail Pedestrian/Bicycle walkway spanning the Missouri River.

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Contact Information

722 Cliff Street
Jefferson City, MO

Hours of Operation: Daily 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Where is Cliff Manor Inn

Jefferson City