Sternberg Museum of Natural History

About Sternberg Museum of Natural History
In terms of scientific holdings, the Sternberg Museum of Natural History ranks among
the best natural history museums. No other state university the size of Fort Hays State
University has a natural history museum comparable in size and scientific importance to
the Sternberg. Our collections include one of the finest scientific
collections of Pteranodon material, the largest collection of fossil grass seeds, and a truly
outstanding collection of Cretaceous marine and Neogene terrestrial vertebrate fossils.
These are complemented by excellent collections of modern biological material, most notably mammals, reptiles and plants.
Museum collections have been used extensively in research by faculty and students at
FHSU and by scholars from institutions worldwide.
Contact Information
Phone: (877) 332-1165
3000 Sternberg Drive
Hays, KS
Hours of Operation: Tue-Sat 9a-6p; Sun 1p-6p
Where is Sternberg Museum of Natural History