C.S. Post & Co.

About C.S. Post & Co.
A modern day general store offering gifts, bed and bath accessories, kitchen supplies, home decor and more.
There are many ways to define "living well", but we think one of the best is being able to choose the life you want to live, to share what you believe to be true and to have things you find beautiful. Perhaps you agree. It's why many years ago, we came home to Kansas, gathered together objects we loved (and still love) and opened a general store called C.S. Post & Co.
Since that time, the world has changed, but we believe people still want to fill their homes with things that bring beauty, warmth and pleasure to each day – fresh flowers or linen cocktail napkins; a charming vintage lamp or one that's frankly modern. C.S. Post & Co. is not about one style but about passion and personality.
We invite you to browse CSPost.com and discover a unique collection of home décor and furnishings, gifts and items for entertaining and other luxuries large and small, all designed
Contact Information
Phone: (785) 628-3000
117 W. 11th
Hays, KS
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 9:30a-5:30p; Sat 9:30a-5:00p
Where is C.S. Post & Co.