Copper Eagle Antiques in Charleston, IL

A large selection of special items to make your house a home

"A large selection of special items to make your house a home"

Copper Eagle Antiques

About Copper Eagle Antiques

Welcome to the facebook page of the largest antique mall in Charleston, Illinois, Copper Eagle. The Copper Eagle antique mall is located at the corner of 3rd Street and Madison Avenue, known locally as "Five Points". We are right next to the best BBQ in Charleston, "Pop's Barbeque". The Copper Eagle was opened in 2005 by mother/daughter duo Rachel Stearns and Rhonda Adair. In six years, Copper Eagle has grown to around 75 dealers offering over 3000 square feet of antiques and collectibles. Inventory changes daily and many of vendors offer periodic specials. Copper Eagle is open EVERY day of the week, so stop in and spend some time browsing - you might just find that one piece you have been searching for!

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Contact Information


222 Madison Ave
Charleston, IL

Hours of Operation: Mon - Sun: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Where is Copper Eagle Antiques
