The Book Shoppe

About The Book Shoppe
We have 40,000+ books in stock between our new and used sections, most are available for browsing in a clean and well-organized setting. We offer much more than just our books in stock, including book accessories, journals, calendars & planners (seasonally), Leanin’ Tree and 99¢ greeting cards, gift certificates and a book search service for those hard to find titles. Looking for something not in stock? We will be happy to order it for you, whether it is books, movies or music! The Book Shoppe also hosts events for fellow book lovers with local Iowan authors and writers.
Contact Information
Phone: (515) 432-2556
817 Story St
Boone, IA
Hours of Operation: Mon thru Sat 9:30 until 6pm
Where is The Book Shoppe