Bellevue Pet Adventures in Bellevue, NE

Daycare, grooming, boarding, training - we do it all.

"Daycare, grooming, boarding, training - we do it all."

Bellevue Pet Adventures

About Bellevue Pet Adventures

As a veterinary technician with over 18 years of clinical experience I would hear varying stories about client’s experiences with their pet’s care while traveling. Some were happy some were not. Their concerns? Cost, cleanliness, and pets with medical needs.

We believe that as pet owner, you should not have to pay extra for your pets to get the exercise they need. We will ensure dogs have their physical needs met through exercise and time away from their sleeping area. Playtime will not just be a 5 minute potty break but enough time to move around, do their business, and to have some excitement and fun.

Working with animals is a true labor of love. They make messes and we clean them up! It is challenging to keep up with the daily messes animals make, but we make it one of our highest priorities, right after the safety of your animal. We have chosen state of the art kennel design which includes a patent pending impermeable seal between kennels.

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Contact Information

8705 S. 9th
Bellevue, NE

Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 6a-6p; Sat 8a-4p

Where is Bellevue Pet Adventures
