DEH Jewelers, Inc.
About DEH Jewelers, Inc.
DEH Jewelers Incorporated is the most reliable source for fine jewelry in the St. Louis area. Our customers trust us for an extensive knowledge, attention to detail and caring service.
We search the world for unmatched value and quality. At DEh Jewelers, you'll always find exciting new designs - from traditional to cutting edge - for men and women. Let us help you select the perfect gift, from a simple token of your affection to a timeless symbol of lifelong commitment, or maybe just something special for you. A piece of fine jewelry and a memory that lasts forever.
Contact Information
Phone: (314) 544-7170
9700 Mackenzie Road, Suite 218
St. Louis, MO
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:30pm; Sat 9:00am-12:00pm
Where is DEH Jewelers, Inc.