Information about Smithville, MO and the small, locally-owned businesses located there.

A better place to be.

"A better place to be."

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  • Smithville
  • Smithville

A little about Smithville

Smithville is a small community with big outdoor living. Smithville Lake, world class schools and a historic downtown make it a special lace to live and visit.

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The history of Smithville

Smithville is named after Humphrey "Yankee" Smith (1774 – May 5, 1857) after he settled at the site in 1822. The town was originally known as "Smith's Mill" but ultimately became "Smithville" as it was easier to pronounce. Another reputed history behind the name is that it was going to be named Smith's Mill, but there was already another current settlement in Missouri with the same name so it was altered slightly to differentiate it. Smithville Lake is a 7,200 acre lake and has more than 175 miles of shoreline. It is managed by the Corp of Engineers.

Contact Information

107 West Main Street
Smithville, Missouri

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Businesses in Smithville, Missouri

Here is a collection of local Smithville, Missouri businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.

Art Athletic Health / Wellness Real Estate Restaurants Shopping Winery / Brewery


Art & Wine on Bridge Street


Making art fun




Workouts made fun and fierce


Paradise Pointe Golf


A premium public golf course


Mosaic Family Care

Health / Wellness

Primary and family care


Berkshire Hathaway Stein and Summers Real Estate

Real Estate

For your residential and commercial real estate needs


Derek Espeer Berkshire Hathaway Real Estate

Real Estate

Serving real estate needs for Smithville


Joe Hendrix Berkshire Hathaway Real Estate

Real Estate

Friendly and knowledgeable real estate service


Cook's Corner Cafe


Just good home cooking


Justus Drug Store


Farm to table amazement


Kozak's Laketown Grill


Handcrafted chef driven casual menu


Jean's Flowers & Gifts


A special place for special people


Nellie's Sweet Shoppe


Variety of sweets and yummy treats




Vintage, Collectibles, Furniture,Home/Seasonal Décor


Thorny Creek Market


Home decor, furniture, paints and stains


Ladoga Ridge Winery

Winery / Brewery

A labor of love