A Good Yarn

About A Good Yarn
Spacious windows affording lots of natural light and a cozy seating area filled with plush couches and chairs help define the character of A Good Yarn located in the Old Firehouse Plaza in Prescott, AZ. A Good Yarn specializes in providing scrumptious, high quality, yet moderately priced cottons, silks, linens, wools and other fibers. We feature Fair Trade items from buttons to hand dyed yarns; sustainable fibers such as Bamboo, Soy Silk, Corn Fiber, and Banana Silk. You'll find a fine selection of exotic and decorative yarns, needles, notions, patterns, and books.
Contact Information
Phone: (928) 717-1774
Email: agoodyarn@msn.com
220 W Goodwin Street
Prescott, AZ
Hours of Operation: Mon-Tue 10-5, Wen-10-8, The-Sat 10-5
Where is A Good Yarn