Fantasy Balloon Flights in Indian Wells, CA

Change your perspective on the world

"Change your perspective on the world"

Fantasy Balloon Flights

About Fantasy Balloon Flights

During your stay experience the thrill of lighter-than-air travel, ballooning aloft in the unique panorama of the California desert resort area. FAA-certified pilots guide 2-10 passenger, multicolored hot-air balloons aloft to get a bird's-eye view of the lush country clubs, the low desert's winter wildflowers, date and citrus groves. Champagne adventures lift off daily during the early mornings and again just prior to sunset. Hotel pickup included, with group, senior and family discounts.

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Contact Information

74901 Hwy 111
Indian Wells, CA

Hours of Operation: Mon - Sun: 6:00 am - 6:00 pm

Where is Fantasy Balloon Flights

Indian Wells