Tupps Brewery in McKinney, TX

Perfect Blend of Art and Science

"Perfect Blend of Art and Science"

Tupps Brewery

About Tupps Brewery

We embrace tradition but break the rules as well from time to time in order to create exciting new brews.
Once we are elated with the beer, we turn to science to ensure quality and consistency in the brewing process. For this we use our state-of-the-art automated brewhouse, hydrometers, microscopes and other sophisticated monitoring devices. However, in the end we always revert back to the art of a good-tasting beer so our beers are sampled frequently by a panel of experienced quality tasters.
At the brewery, we have created an environment that embraces the feel and the era of the historic Cotton Mill. When you visit the brewery, you will be immersed in the old Texas feel of the Cotton Mill and experience the past when things were slow and life was not as complicated.

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Contact Information


721 Anderson St
McKinney, TX

Hours of Operation: T-Th 4-8 p.m. Fr-4-10 Sat 11 a.m.-10 p.m.

Where is Tupps Brewery
