Guitar Sanctuary in McKinney, TX

Those pieces that represent the instrument in its highest form

"Those pieces that represent the instrument in its highest form"

Guitar Sanctuary

About Guitar Sanctuary

We stock guitars, basses, amplifiers, effects pedals, and accessories from the finest brands including Collings, Paul Reed Smith, Tom Anderson, Suhr, McPherson, Gibson Custom Shop, Echopark, Taylor, Fender Custom Shop, R. Taylor, , Mesa Boogie, Carr, Tone King, Two Rock, Fishman, Genz Benz, Aguilar, AER, Schertler, Strymon, , JHS, MXR, Mad Professor, Diamond, Keeley, Wampler, MusicomLAB, TC Electronic, Rockett, Moog, Mission Engineering, Dunlop, Whirlwind, Planet Waves, Ernie Ball, and more...

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Contact Information

6633 Virginia Pkwy
McKinney, TX

Hours of Operation: Tue-Sat: 10:00 am-6:00 pm

Where is Guitar Sanctuary
