Duvall's Academy of Martial Arts

About Duvall's Academy of Martial Arts
Due to the nature of our martial art, the youngest students we take are age 7. However, we have every age under 70 (for now). Classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Noon, 5, 6 and 7p. We encourage people to stop by and watch a class and then try one for free.
We also sell Trikke equipment, riding lessons are available by appointment. The exercise Trikking provides is close to that of swimming. That means that the core of the body is being used to provide the energy to propel the vehicle. This allows more exercise in less time and it's tremendous fun.
Contact Information
Phone: (660) 582-5611
404 South Main Street
Maryville, MO
Hours of Operation: Contact for class schedule
Where is Duvall's Academy of Martial Arts