Brown's Shoe Fit Co

About Brown's Shoe Fit Co
Brown’s in Maryville specializes in size and width footwear and the employees are trained to select the type of footwear that is needed for the application that you require. They carry shoes for men, ladies, and children so they can size and fit everyone in your family. Brown’s also carries a full line of work related footwear and carry both steel toe and non-steel toe boots and shoes. They carry Redwings, Dr. Marten, and Rocky and are able to give you the correct fit to insure that you will have comfort on your job. Famous name brands that are listed below are the strength of the business and Brown’s is the exclusive Dr. Marten retailer in Maryville.
Contact Information
Phone: (660) 582-4641
1406 South Main
Maryville, MO
Hours of Operation: Mon thru Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9-5, Sun 1-4
Where is Brown's Shoe Fit Co