Dot's Hallmark in Lamar, MO

A unique and enjoyable shopping experience.

"A unique and enjoyable shopping experience."

Dot's Hallmark

About Dot's Hallmark

Dot's, founded by Dot and Wayne Norton, opened its doors as a ladies' ready-to-wear shop on January 9, 1973, offering all manner of ladies' fashions accessories, and lingerie. In the fall of 1987, Dot's Hallmark opened in the next door building, and & etc. followed in 2002 in the building on the other side of the original. Today, Dot's is housed in those three storefronts on the Lamar Square.

Personalized service to our customers is our number one priority. As always, free gift wrap, and free local delivery are available Our ultimate goal at Dot's is to make yours a unique and enjoyable shopping experience with the ease of front door parking and accessibility.

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Contact Information

1025 Gulf Street
Lamar, MO

Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 9:15a-5:30p; Sat 9:15a-4:00p

Where is Dot's Hallmark
