Information about Kirksville, MO and the small, locally-owned businesses located there.

Home of Truman State University

"Home of Truman State University"

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  • Kirksville
  • Kirksville

A little about Kirksville

Kirksville, the county seat of Adair County, is located in the Chariton Valley Region of Northeast Missouri, approximately 168 miles northeast of Kansas City Missouri, 204 miles northwest of St. Louis, Missouri and 90 miles north of Columbia Missouri. The great outdoors surround Kirksville, including three large state conservation areas: Big Creek, Sugar Creek and Montgomery Woods, along with muskellunge fishing at Hazel Creek Lake and camping & water recreation at Thousand Hills State Park. Kirksville is home to Truman State University. Founded in 1867, Truman State has the distinction of being Missouri’s only highly selective statewide public liberal arts and sciences university.

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The history of Kirksville

Adair County, organized in 1841, was named after John Adair, Governor of Kentucky, the state of origin for many of the settlers. The town of Kirksville was laid out in 1841 and became the county seat that same year. While the name Kirksville literally means ‘village of churches’, the city was named after one of its earliest settlers and tavern owner Jessie Kirk. Legend has it that the surveyors working in the area were invited to share Thanksgiving dinner and good whiskey with Kirk provided that they name the town after him. The deal was made, and the new town became Kirksville. Memorial Park commemorates the Battle of Kirksville, a Civil War action. On Aug. 6, 1862 1,250 Union troops arrived under the command of Col John McNeil to meet 2,000 Confederate soldiers led by Col. Joseph C. Porter. After a three hour battle around the Courthouse and the northwest part of town, the Confederates retreated. The County Historical Society has a cannon ball retrieved from the Court Hou

Contact Information

304 S Franklin St #100
Kirksville, Missouri

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Businesses in Kirksville, Missouri

Here is a collection of local Kirksville, Missouri businesses. Clicking on the thumbnail image, or the blue "View Member" will take you to that businesses page. We've included some jump links so that you can easily navigate to different categories of businesses. Those, can be found directly below as icons. Or, there is a list of categories in the menu bar.

Food/Grocery Museums / Attractions Restaurants Shopping


Hy-Vee grocery and drug store


Where there's a helpful smile in every aisle


Jackson Stables

Museums / Attractions

West Winery produces a wide variety of wines from sweet to dry


Kirksville Country Club

Museums / Attractions

Golf, dining, fun in the sun


Dukum Inn and Wrongdaddy's


Oldest bar in Kirksville and home of the 2nd Best Cheeseburger


Pancake City


27 years of flipping cakes, making biscuits and serving sausage


Steve's Garden Deli


Fresh and tasty all made right here


Blink of An Eye


Women's accessories and Gift Shop


Cooks Jewelry


Our diamonds are a cut above


Edna Campbells


Unique gifts, books, jewelry, shoes and so much more


Sieren's Palace


A woman's clothing boutique