Knob Hill Inn

About Knob Hill Inn
Experience personalized service, and a warm and inviting European charm at the Knob Hill Inn, Sun Valley's premier boutique hotel. Generously sized guestrooms offer spectacular views of the surrounding mountains. And guests have preferred seating at The Grill at Knob Hill, Sun Valley's popular hot spot with ample seating for dining and socializing.
Complimentary signature continental breakfast daily,
42" flat screen high-definition televisions in every room
Complimentary WiFi and complimentary in-town shuttle.
Within walking distance to downtown Ketchum and close to all the amenities Sun Valley resort has to offer, the Knob Hill Inn is located in a peaceful setting with views of world-famous Bald Mountain, the majestic Sawtooth and Boulder Mountain ranges. You can also take advantage of our indoor heated pool, hot tub and sauna.
Contact Information
Phone: (208) 726-8010
960 N Main Street
Ketchum, ID
Hours of Operation: Contact for availability
Where is Knob Hill Inn