Hermannhof Winery and Inn

About Hermannhof Winery and Inn
Hermannhof's ten magnificent stone cellars and charming brick superstructure are among the 100 early Hermann buildings placed on the National Register of Historic places by the Federal government. Construction of a brewery/winery commenced in 1848 and was completed in 1852 in the French section of Hermann. Hermannhof's wine making was initially a small part of this very successful brewery. By 1904, the Hermann area produced 3 million gallons of wine, most of which were produced by small wine growers, many of whom utilized the facilities of Hermannhof. Prohibition began a forced long sleep for Hermann with the vineyards being uprooted and the equipment destroyed or sold to Europeans.
In 1974, the Hermannhof Cellars were purchased by the
Dierberg family and renewal began.
Contact Information
Phone: (800) 393-0100
330 East First Street
Hermann, MO
Hours of Operation:
Please give us a call for Summer availability
10 years ago
Where is Hermannhof Winery and Inn