Main Street Cafe in Berea, KY

A menu for even the pickiest

"A menu for even the pickiest"

Main Street Cafe

About Main Street Cafe

Lunches every day include: Vegetarian dishes, large selection of certified Angus beef burgers, ciabatta sandwiches, wraps, house made soups, Reuben, fish and chips, house made chicken salad and much more.

Dinners include the above and salmon, tuna steak, mesquite chicken, crabcakes, fisherman's platter, tilapia, frikadeller, linguine dishes, curry dishes and much more.

For dessert try the German chocolate cake, hummingbird cake, pecan pie, blueberry pie with Kentucky Proud coffee or Tazo tea.

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Contact Information


110 Main Street
Berea, KY

Hours of Operation: Open at 10:30 daily until 7, close at 3 Tue and Su

Where is Main Street Cafe
